Greater London Area of Narcotics Anonymous

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Here are examples of readings which are read at the beginning of our meetings:

Who is an Addict ?

What is the NA Program ?

Why are we Here ?

We do Recover

How does it work ?

The 12 Traditions ?

Just for Today Card

You may be interested in accessing several other NA literature such as our Basic Text, It Works: How & Why, booklets, and Information Pamphlets (IP's).

Many members read from their Just for Today Daily Meditation book, the reading for that specific day. You can read today's, or you can also subscribe to have the daily meditation emailed to you, you can also subscribe with the link in the Navbar on all pages.

Reaching Out is designed to help incarcerated addicts connect to the NA Program. It can also enhance the efforts of the Hospitals and Institutions Subcommittee (H&I).

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